Sunday, March 27, 2011

Old Barns

you  just gotta love
a little old barn
touched by time
with it’s own charm..
the weatherd wood
shines bright in the sun..
Proud and still standing..
(it’s time isn’t done)………
Think  of the tales
that could be told
if barns could talk
of memories they hold..
each one is different
no two are the same..
to see them fading
away, is a shame.
so if you happen upon
a old one please take
a picture and treasure
the portrits they make..
for someday they will
be old memories…
this one was saying
“take my picture, please”!
by Conneta

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Denali - The Great One

Rub your eyes. Turn around twice. Pinch yourself. 
It's really there before you. 
Such beauty is just hard to believe

Dewitt Jones

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Adopt the pace of Nature,
her secret is patience.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Signs of Spring

Recent reports on the Saginaw Bay Birding webiste indicate that both Sandhill Cranes and Red-winged Blackbirds have been spotted in the Saginaw Valley area of Michigan.
 Check out this website for additional bird sightings.

Male redwings arrive on the breeding grounds a few days to a few weeks before the females return. Females look like large sparrows, so are often unnoticed.

The first image is of a male Red-winged Blackbird and the second is of a female Red-winged Blackbird. 

Spring is just around the corner but as my friend Denny so nicely pointed out.... "it's a long way to that corner!!"  

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Maple Sugarhouse

This Sugarhouse is located at Chippewa Nature Center.  The log sugarhouse was originally built by Nicholas Shoff in 1868 as a home for his family. In 1978, volunteers dismantled the building on its original location near Clare, Michigan and transported it to Chippewa Nature Center. Rebuilt into a sugarhouse, a cupola was added to the roof for steam to escape during the sap boiling process. For more information visit