Monday, October 31, 2011

Geocaching with my Mickie

Mickie and I spent the day in Freeland caching at a couple of parks.  It was a great day for a walk and we found two caches in this park and worked on a multi-cache (a very hard one) at two other parks in the same town.  My little guy was not happy that "Mom" made him stop and get his picture taken..."let's go"!!!

Happy Halloween

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Beechwood Nature Trail #2

This was such a beautiful area that I couldn't take just ONE photo.  There is a lot of beauty packed into a small area.  I will be making many return trips to this gorgeous little area.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Beechwood Nature Trail

Decided to do a bit of geocaching today and went for one in the Freeland, MI area.  I have never been to this trail before and wasn't really expecting too much.  What a wonderful surprise.  This is a jewel in the area. Tomorrow I will add more photos of this area.  Oh, by the way, I found the cache!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wonderful Sister

Yesterday my very talented sister came over and helped me put some of the photos I've taken and had framed put on a couple of walls in my house.  This is something I am absolutely NO GOOD at but my dear sister has such a great talent when it comes to home decorating.   We had so much fun laughing together.  Thanks Lee,  you're the best!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bad River

The north branch of the Bad River runs through my land.  It is interesting to see all of the wildlife that use this river as a runway.  In the winter there are different animal tracks, a family of Wood Ducks have been using the river this summer.  Also Canada Geese and Great Blue Heron are often seen on the river.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Old Oak Tree

This beautiful old oak tree is in my back yard.  I have been blessed to look out every day and see what nature presents for that day.  In the spring "mom" deer always brings her fawns here to show them off.  I have an ongoing battle with those pesky squirrels and laugh while watching the chipmunks dart about.  I have watched beautiful barred owls fly into it during the summer and the hummingbirds perch on it's branches before they dive down to get another gulp of that sweet mixture.  In the winter I see it's majestic branches loaded with snow and just am amazed how much God has blessed me for one more year.

Dewitt Jones

One of my favorite photographers is Dewitt Jones. He gave himself a challenge a few months ago to create one photo each day.  To find something special each day, thus forcing himself to observe the world around him. Dewitt has always used high end photography equipment and a few years ago he realized he was no longer having fun lugging around heavy tripods, big lenses, etc,.  At that point he started using an Iphone to create many of his photos.  Although he still uses his "big boy" lenses/camera he tends to use his IPhone more and more.  His images are simply stunning!

I will never be able to create the type of images Dewitt does nor will I ever be able to write with the eloquence he does but I am taking a turn with this Blog and will try to post a photo each day.  Most of these photos will be taken with a point and shoot digital camera.  Like Dewitt, it is no longer fun for me to go for hikes in the woods with a heavy tripod over one shoulder and just as heavy of a camera and big lens on the other shoulder.  These photos will not be a "work of art", they will not be accompanied with eloquent  words but they will show you a piece of my world each day and this will help me to keep photography in the forefront every day since it is what I  love, it is my passion.


Monday, October 24, 2011