Monday, February 20, 2012

Ralph A MacMullan Center - Higgins Lake, MI

A couple of weekends ago my friend Lori and I ventured to the RAM center on Higgins Lake for the TES or Teacher's Environmental Science workshops.  The good thing is you don't have to be any of these things to attend the event, just have a sense of adventure and fun.

We met up with a few other hardy souls and went on a walk down to the lake and saw many interesting things along the way.

We found this Pileated Woodpecker hole.

This is our group at Higgins Lake...brrr 

This is the shoreline of Higgins Lake, it looks like a sand rope.

We headed back to get warm and follow this stream.

We took all types of classes and in this class Lori had fun handling her favorite spider, a pink toed tarantula. Lori is using the flashlight to show off the pink toes.  I also handled this tarantula along with other spiders, I touched a few snakes and even touched a hedgehog, now that was neat.  We went to different craft classes, two wonderful programs on Africa and played cards with the others in the evening and just had a great time.  Can't wait until next year!!